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About Jordan

Ahlan Wa Sahlan "أهلا وسهلا

Welcome to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan “Ahlan Wa Sahlan”, the land of peace and beauty, the land of love, the land of prophets and saints.

Since the dawn of Time, our land has witnessed the existence of many different cultures and nations. To some, it was just a crossing high-way. But for many, it was HOME; regardless of their era or origins.

Jordan is a modern country, yet, it is very rich with history, culture, archaeology, and well-educated friendly people. As a visitor to Jordan, you will be treated as a guest by the Jordanians, and the most common expression you will hear is: “welcome to Jordan” with a friendly smile.

Jordan is a relatively small country situated at the crossroads in the heart of the Middle East. (Al Urdun in Arabic) or The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is an Arab kingdom is strategically located at the crossroads of Asia, Africa and Europe, located on the East Bank of the Jordan River. Compromising some 92.300 square kilometers (57,354 square miles), it is bordered on the north by Syria and the east by Iraq, and by Saudi Arabia on the east and south. Also, to the south one finds the Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea, while Palestine lies to the west. The capital, Amman, is Jordan’s most populous city as well as the country’s economic, political and cultural Centre.

The sacred Jordan is a piece of land where history continues. Jordan has witnessed the rise and fall of many great civilizations, and has many sites that are associated with Biblical, Judaic, and Islamic events that make thousands of years of the past seem very much visible. Jordan’s diverse terrain and landscape belie its actual size, demonstrating a variety that usually available only in large countries. However, despite its location, it is more secure and progressive than some of the countries surrounding it. This makes it ideal for people who want to explore this part of the world. When you visit the old cities, explore the magnificent granite slopes, release yourself to indulge through history, stroll through the deserts, and even float like a cork at the Dead Sea.

Jordan is one of the most beautiful Arab countries, and you can’t know the amount of its beauty until you visit it. It is safe from all the difficult events taking place in the world and this makes it an ideal place for tourism and spends a special time. Jordan is also a Kingdom of many ethnic backgrounds such as Armenians Circassians, Kurds, Chechens, and Bosnians to enrich the Jordanian society alongside the local Arab people. Since Jordan came independent in 1946, it has also received several immigrations from Palestine, Iraq, and Syria until nowadays.

Where ever you go in Jordan, you will hear the words “Ahlan wa Sahlan”. This is usually translated into English as “Welcome”, but in the fact, it has a meaning much more than that, as it is deeply rooted in the Arabic words for family and comfort “make yourself at home” might be given it a closer and more appropriate meaning.

The Kingdom is characterized by a great variety of tourist products, despite the small area of Jordan, where historical sites and archaeological spread from the north, where the archaeological cities of Jerash and Um Qais passaging through the Jordan Great Rift Valley to the Baptism site, located near the Jordan River and the lowest point in the world, the Dead Sea. Farther south where the Red Rose city of Petra “The Nabateans capital and one of the wonders of the world”. Also, Jordan is very safe and stable, despite to what is happening in the region. The tourism resources can be classified into the following categories:

v  Historical and Archaeological Resources: Including the remnant ruins of ancient civilizations that settled in the area, like the worldwide famous Petra (UNESCO World Heritage Site, and one of New Seven Wonders of the World), the Jordan River, Mount Nebo, Madaba, Jerash, Amman, numerous medieval mosques and churches.

v  Natural Resources: It includes areas of significant landscapes and seascapes; these include: Aqaba, Wadi Rum and Natural Reserves spreading out along the country.

v  Cultural Resources: Including mainly shopping and galleries, events, handcrafts, and festivals.

v  Therapeutic Resources: It is composed mainly at the Dead Sea and some locations where waterfall and hot springs are found, like Ma’in Hot Springs and others.

Please see our Historic Site Page about the historical sites of Jordan, so you can have a better idea about each site that you might consider to include in your itinerary.


Jordan climate is a mixture of the Mediterranean climate (In the mountain highlands where moderate summers and cold winters), semi-tropical climate (In the Jordan Valley where hot summers and warm winters) and desert climate (In the Jordan Badia where hot summer and cold winter).

The average monthly temperature in January in Amman, Irbid and Aqaba is 7, 8 and 16 ° C respectively, rising to 25, 25, 31 ° C in July respectively. The hottest month of the year is August and the monthly average temperatures in Amman and Irbid is 25 °C, Aqaba & Dead is 36 °C approximately. The rainfall rate is more than 290 mm in both Amman and Irbid, while it drops to 35 mm in Aqaba & Dead Sea.

Jordan experiences a diverse range of weather conditions due to its varied geography, which includes deserts, mountains, and plateaus. Here's some general information about the weather in Jordan:

v  Seasons: Jordan has distinct seasons. Summers (June to August) are hot and dry, with temperatures often exceeding 100°F (38°C) in some areas, particularly in the desert regions like Wadi Rum and the Jordan Valley. Winters (December to February) are relatively cool, with temperatures dropping significantly, especially at night.

v  Desert Climate: The majority of Jordan is covered by arid desert terrain, which leads to hot and dry conditions, especially during the summer months. Regions like Wadi Rum, Petra, and Aqaba in the south have a desert climate with extremely hot summers and mild winters. Aqaba, located on the Red Sea, has a milder climate compared to the interior deserts.

v  Rainfall: Jordan witnesses insignificant rainfall, mainly concentrated in the winter, with the western regions, including Amman and the northwest, experiencing relatively more precipitation than the arid eastern and southern desert areas. The rainy season spans from November to March, providing a crucial but short-lived respite for the country's water resources. This geographical variation in rainfall distribution impacts ecosystems and agricultural practices. Jordan actively manages its limited water sources, implementing conservation strategies to address the challenges posed by its arid climate. As the country grapples with water scarcity, understanding and optimizing the seasonal rainfall pattern becomes integral to sustaining vital water reservoirs and supporting the diverse needs of its population.

v  Snow: In Jordan, when it snows, it's like nature putting on a magical show. While snow is a rare guest in this mostly warm and dry land, it occasionally graces places like Ajloun, Amman and Dhana, Shobak, and Petra in winter. Locals and visitors eagerly anticipate this unique transformation, as historical sites and arid landscapes are blanketed in a rare layer of white. The fleeting beauty of these snowfalls adds an enchanting touch, creating unforgettable moments for those lucky enough to witness it. Despite the temporary nature of the snow, it brings a special kind of joy to the people of Jordan, turning their familiar surroundings into a winter wonderland, if only for a short time

v  Wind: Jordan can experience strong winds, especially in the desert areas. The Kingdom experiences mainly northwest winds in summer ("shamal") and northeast winds in winter. Local topography influences wind patterns. Sand and dust storms are common, affecting air quality. The country explores wind energy.

v  Spring and Autumn: Spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) are considered the most pleasant times to visit Jordan, as the weather is mild, and the landscapes are often in bloom during spring.

v  Temperature Variations: There can be significant temperature variations between day and night in many parts of Jordan, especially in the desert areas. It's not uncommon for daytime temperatures to be hot, while nighttime temperatures drop considerably.

v  Water Scarcity: Jordan faces water scarcity issues, and the limited rainfall contributes to this challenge. The country's arid climate, characterized by hot temperatures and low precipitation, leads to a high demand for water resources. Jordan has implemented various water conservation measures and seeks sustainable solutions to address its water scarcity concerns. Efforts include the exploration of alternative water sources, such as desalination and wastewater reuse, to meet the needs of its growing population. Ongoing strategies aim to enhance water management and ensure the long-term resilience of Jordan's water supply.

Royal Family

The Hashemite royal family is interwoven into the life of Jordan, having established the modern state in 1921. It is impossible, therefore, to understand the fabric of Jordan’s modern history without some knowledge of the royal family. The Hashemites, or “Bani Hashem,” are descendants of the Arab chieftain Quraysh, a descendant of the Prophet Ismail, himself the son of the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham). Quraysh first came to the holy city of Mecca during the second century CE. The first generation of Quraysh to rule the city came six generations later, when Qusayy bin Kilab ascended to the leadership of Mecca in the year 480 CE. The name “Hashem” is actually that of Qusayy’s grandson, who was the great-grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Hashemites are thus the direct descendants of the Prophet through his daughter Fatima and her husband Ali bin Abi Talib, who was also the Prophet’s paternal first cousin and the fourth caliph of Islam.

Ali and Fatima had two sons: Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein. The direct descendants of their eldest son, Hassan, are known as “Sharifs” (nobles), while the descendants of Hussein are called “Sayyids” (lords). The royal family of Jordan, the Hashemites, is descended through the Sharifian branch of lineage.

Various Sharifian families ruled over the Hijaz region in Western Arabia between 967 and 1201 CE. Moreover, King Hussein’s branch of the Hashemite family ruled the holy city of Mecca from 1201 CE until 1925 CE, although they recognized the sovereignty of the Ottoman sultan in 1517. This makes King Hussein the head of the Hashemite family which, in addition to being directly descended from the Prophet, also represents over one thousand years of rule in the area, and almost two thousand years of recorded presence in the holy city of Mecca.

During the Great Arab Revolt of 1916, King Hussein’s great-grandfather, Al-Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca and King of the Arabs (later he also became known as King of the Hijaz), led the liberation of Arab lands from their domination by the Ottoman Turks. After freeing the lands of Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Syria and the Hijaz, Sharif Hussein’s son Abdullah assumed the throne of Transjordan and his second son Faisal assumed the throne of Syria and later Iraq. The Emirate of Transjordan was founded on April 11, 1921, and became the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan upon formal independence from Britain in 1946.

During his thirty-year reign, King Abdullah presided over the forging of a viable and durable state out of a tribal, nomadic society. He developed the institutional foundations of modern Jordan, establishing democratic legitimacy by promulgating Jordan’s first Organic Law in 1928 (the basis for today’s Constitution), and holding elections for its first assembly in 1929. While guiding Jordan’s development into a modern state, King Abdullah negotiated a series of treaties with Britain which earned increasing freedom for Jordan. King Abdullah achieved full independence from Britain on May 25, 1946.

After successfully defending Arab East Jerusalem and the “West Bank” during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, King Abdullah regularly traveled to al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem to participate in the Friday prayers. On July 20, 1951, King Abdullah was assassinated by a lone gunman while attending the Friday prayers there with his grandson Hussein, who was saved from a bullet by a medal his grandfather had recently awarded him.

After King Abdullah’s martyrdom, King Talal, his eldest son, ruled for a brief period. Due to King Talal’s illness, his eldest son, Hussein, was proclaimed King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on August 11, 1952. He assumed his constitutional powers on May 2, 1953, after reaching the age of eighteen according to the Muslim calendar. During the nine months between his coronation and the assumption of powers, King Hussein’s mother -Queen Zein al-Sharaf- played an important role in ensuring the orderly transfer of power as head of a Regency Council. Queen Zein, who remained ever popular with the people of Jordan, passed away on April 26, 1994.

The passing away of His Majesty King Hussein on February 7, 1999 marks the end of an era in Jordan's history. While the country, and indeed much of the world, mourns the death of King Hussein, Jordanians look with optimism and pride to a future under the reign of King Abdullah II, eldest son of the late King Hussein and current bearer of the Hashemite torch.

His Majesty King Abudllah II Bin Al Hussein assumed his constitutional powers as king of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on February 7th, 1999, the day his father the late King Hussein passed away. His Majesty King Abudllah II Bin Al Hussein married Queen Rania on June 10th, 1993. The Royal Couple have two sons Prince Hussein and Prince Hashem, and two daughters, Princess Iman and Princess Salma. The King has four brothers and six sisters. His Majesty King Abudllah II Bin Al Hussein holds a number of decorations from the various countries. He is qualified diver, pilot, and a free-fall parachutist. His other interests include automobile racing, water sports, scuba diving and collection ancient weapons and armaments.